Monday, October 1, 2012

FHE: Conference Prep

Since it's general conference this weekend, I wanted to give the kids a heads-up about what will be happening and who we will be privileged to hear from.  We built a fort in the family room and had FHE there today.

We happen to be reading about King Benjamin in the Book of Mormon right now, so I mentioned him and how when he spoke to the people and they turned their tents to him (hence the fort) it was like general conference, but now we get to watch on TV in our own home.

We watched the apostle song.  And talked about what kinds of quiet activities we could do during conference so mommy and daddy can listen.

I found this cute President Monson Scavenger Hunt that might be a fun FHE as well.  I'll probably wait and do it in Spring when my kids are a bit older.

As for this weekend...
I might have my kids play Conference Bingo, but they are probably too young still (4 and 2).  My plan is to cover each picture up with a candy and if they hear one of the topics, they get to take the candy off and eat it.

I'm planning to do something like these activity bags, but I'll put these Apostle Cards in them so when each apostle speaks, I'll read the info about them and then they can do the activity while we listen.

Anyone else have any great conference ideas for kids?  I found a lot of good ideas here and here too.

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