Monday, December 23, 2013

FHE: Merry Smith's-mas

I jest with the title...

NO, we do not worship Joseph Smith!  BUT, we do like to talk about him, especially when FHE perfectly falls on his birthday!  (December 23). We watched this movie about Joseph Smith's life.  There were a couple of parts that were too scary for our 5 and 3 year old. (our 3-year-old started to cry... :( ) But I think it would be a great tradition when they're a bit older, maybe.

We talked a bit about Joseph Smith after as well, and asked them questions about the movie.  I think it was mostly over their head.

Maybe in the future, just show the kids snippets (like the sacred grove) until their older.

Monday, December 16, 2013

FHE: Let Your Light So Shine...

I read them this scripture:
Matthew 5:16
and we talked about what it meant.  And then we went to look at Christmas lights!!

Very fun :)

In the future, it would probably be a good idea to do some service before seeing lights.  (maybe when our kids don't have 7pm bedtime...)

Monday, December 9, 2013

FHE: Gifts for the Savior

I acted out the story of Jesus with our Little People nativity set (any nativity would probably work though...) and then I talked about how Christmas is really a birthday party for Jesus and we should all think of something to give Jesus this year.  We all wrote down on a paper what we would give him (some kids needed help) and put it in a box and wrapped it to put under the tree.  On Christmas, someone will open it and we'll review our gifts.  Mine was to only use kind words this year.

Monday, December 2, 2013

FHE: Spencer W. Kimball

We just sang the "Latter-day Prophets" song, while flipping through all the Friend magazine back covers from the year and then read the page on "Spencer W. Kimball".  I also mentioned a few other things I learned here.

These would probably be a lot more memorable if I tried to make up a game of some kind that had to do with their lives...