Monday, November 17, 2014

FHE: Fire Safety

I basically just did this lesson again.  Thought it was a good idea since we have moved since then and my daughter would not have remembered last time.  Practice was key to making it fun :)  and it was :)

Monday, November 10, 2014

FHE: Trust

We have had issues with our kids telling the truth lately, and we wanted to demonstrate why it's important to always tell the truth so that you will gain a reputation of trustworthiness.

This was a simple exercise but also very effective.

Daddy put a piece of candy in one of his hands behind his back and showed me which hand had candy.  Then he put his hands out front and said that the kids had to guess, and that I knew where it was.  After the kids had decided on a hand, I incorrectly told them which hand had candy in it.  They trusted me and then didn't get the candy.  We did it again.  Again, I told them the wrong hand, and again they trusted me and didn't get the candy.  The third time, I told the kids the correct hand that really had candy in it, but the kids didn't believe me and chose the wrong hand again.

My son got very upset and said, "MOM!  I'm never trusting you again!!" and this was a great way for me to talk about some times during the week when the kids didn't tell the truth and how I feel like I can no longer trust them.  We talked a bit more about how we have to be honest for the world to function properly - there needs to be trust for everyday business transactions etc.

In the end, we all promised to tell the truth all the time.