Monday, September 24, 2012

FHE: Liahona

There were a lot of great ideas online for young kids, like herehere, here, and here, but they all have one main similar element- let the kids find some kind of treat and then compare the Liahona to the Holy Ghost, meaning, it is our equivalent Liahona.

So, here is what we did:

I hid a treat somewhere in the family room, (or you could do outside for older kids), and told the kids that there is a treat hiding somewhere and they have to find it.  I made sure it was too hard to find.

Then when they gave up, I talked about Nephi and his family in the wilderness (we've been reading about it in the Book of Mormon Stories) and how they needed direction to know where to go and remind them that they found the Liahona.  (showed pictures from the Gospel Art Book on pages 68 and 71).

I told them briefly about how it worked- one needs to be righteous and obedient for the Liahona to guide them.  (It would be fun to make your own Liahona to hold, maybe paint a styrofoam ball, but I didn't bother this time.)  I printed out this Liahona image and pretended to get instructions from it and then I gave clues about where the treat was hidden and what it looked like, etc until they found it.  Once they found the treat, while they ate it, I asked them if we have a Liahona to guide us today.  They didn't know and so I talked about the Holy Ghost and how just like the Liahona, it guides us when we are obedient and righteous.

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