Monday, May 20, 2013

FHE: Revelation

We talked about revelation by asking these questions:

What is revelation?
Why do we need it?
How do we get it?
-Holy Ghost
-dreams/visions (Lehi & Joseph Smith)
or our minds are enlightened when we read or listen to
-the scriptures
-church talks/lessons

I got my next idea from watching this video.  (though I didn't show it to my 4 & 2-year olds.  I knew it would be over their heads...)

I gave the analogy of revelation coming like a light switch (big and booming- rare), a dimmer switch (like the sunrise in the video), or like a flashlight (seeing only a few steps ahead or a small space)

Finally, we talked about listening to revelation.  I had my kids sing ABCs while I whispered where I hid our treats and asked them where they were.  They didn't know.  Then I had them be quiet and said the same thing.  I pointed out that the answer was there the whole time, but they only got it when they were listening.

I think this lesson was above my kids' heads. They really really liked the last part where they had to listen to know where to find the treat.  My son even said, "This time, I'll just sing quieter, ok?" but then he realized he had to stop singing completely to hear what I said.  Maybe I should have started with that part, and then talked more about revelation while we ate our dessert?

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