Monday, February 11, 2013

FHE: Love At Home

Because of Valentine's this week, we obviously had to talk about love :)

I talked about how I want our home to be a place where we all feel love.  We talked about how we can show love for each other (kindness, following the rules, not hurting, saying sorry) and things we should avoid so that everyone feels safe and loved at home (no yelling, no hitting, no unkind names)

Then we did the same activity from last year, but I was wiser and had all the hearts cut out and they had already written on them: "I love daddy because..." etc.  We just all brainstormed and wrote a list of things for each person on one heart, rather than listing one on a bunch of hearts, for ease. Then we hung them (and some blank hearts) on our wall and had red velvet cupcakes.

I have a hard time getting my kids to calm down before the lesson starts.

Anyone have ideas?

I think I may start opening each lesson with 1 silly song and 1 reverent song and see how that goes over.

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