Monday, January 28, 2013

FHE: Temples

I've been reading through the new Young Women's personal progress booklet and I set it down and my 2-year-old daughter started flipping through it and pointing to pictures she knew- "It's Jesus!",  "The Temple!" etc.  I asked her if she knew what the temple was for, and she said, "no," so I decided to change my FHE topic to be on temples this week.

We have a big picture of the Salt Lake Temple in our family room, and I have the special Temple Ensign issue that has lots of pictures in it that I let the kids flip through while we talked about temples- what they are for.  We just talked about how we go there to make covenants and the perform ordinances for ourselves and people who didn't get to have them while on Earth.  We talked about how you have to be 12 to go in, and you have to have a temple recommend, which we showed them.

We did all these while looking through that Temple magazine and pointing out all the temples, but that was too long.  I should have gone through and marked particular pages- a couple temples from around the world, the baptismal font, celestial room, and the page for kids that talks about what you need to do to prepare to go to the temple.  (Though I can see that being a whole FHE on its own.)

After, I had planned to look through our wedding photo album all together, but the kids were done, so we just had treats.

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