Monday, January 9, 2012


So, a new year and a shift in topics.  I SHOULD continue to post about scripture reading (but some how needing to read AND be insightful every day feels a bit daunting), and perhaps I will, periodically mention tidbits I glean, but I've been focusing more lately on having FHE, and really planning something- not like last  year where I would just fly by the seat of my pants using the Friend.  (and a big thanks to for ideas.  she doesn't post anymore, which is a big impetus for me to post my experiences here :D)

My kids are young - 1 and 3.  So for me, my goals are
1) To form the habit of FHE so everyone will plan on and around it for the rest of their time living at home.
2) To bond as a family
3) To make sure to have gospel things discussed at home so my kids will know I have a testimony and know they can come to me with questions.
4) I'd LIKE it to be a pleasant experience.  So, hopefully that means I can think of some fun activity every week- even if it's just coloring a picture.

Right now this is the planned FHE agenda-
-Opening song (usually will be Once There Was a Snowman, but the kids can pick)
-Opening prayer (mom and dad have a rotation, but we always ask for volunteers before we take over)
-Hi-Lo: everyone in the family says their Hi (best/favorite thing that happened to them) and Low (worst/least favorite thing that happened).  We use this in our Sunday School class each week (12-13 year olds) and we found that it has really helped to open the door for a discussion-friendly environment, as well as giving everyone a taste of everyone else's lives.
-Go over the schedule of events for that week, in case there are coordination things that need to happen.  I find it also helps me remember things I might normally forget- like doctor appointments.
-If we remember, closing song/prayer, but we seem to forget that a lot and end with we-need-to-get-the-kids-in-bed-pronto

I'm hoping to plan my lesson on Sunday, but we'll see how that goes.  We have 11am church this year and I always feel like my whole day is gone with later church, for some reason...

I still don't have a great way of planning the topics- so far I just add a topic to my calendar when I see a particular need (ahem, reverence...), or if I think of a fun activity.  Right now, I'm set until the end of February.  Hopefully I'll keep coming up with ideas and stay ahead...

The main reason I want to keep track of what we do here, is so I can look back and maybe reuse old ideas that worked, or modify them to work better next time.  AND if maybe it will help someone else, hurray!  I haven't told anyone about this blog yet, so I'm not planning on many comments yet, but if you happen to find this and have helpful ideas, GREAT and thanks in advance :)

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