Monday, October 16, 2017

FHE: Time Management

I helped my 7 year old lead this lesson today.

We previously got 2 identical clear vases (jars would work fine) and filled it with large marshmallows and then poured white sugar over them to fill the jar.  Then you separate the sugar from the marshmallows.  Start the lesson with sugar in the jar/vase, and the marshmallows in the other.  Say that the container is like our time in one day, the marshmallows are all the most important things (have everyone list those- get dressed, chores, school, scripture reading, personal prayer, eating, spending time with family, etc.)

The sugar is all the other things we fill our life with- wasting time, distractions, watching tv and video games, and other fruitless fun.

Try to put the marshmallows on top of the sugar- they won't fit.

"When we fill our lives with fun, we can't fit in the most important things."

Now, move the marshmallows to the empty container

"But when we do the most important things first..."

pour the sugar on top (it should all fit)

"we will have time to do everything we want to do!"

We recommitted to doing our chores first and see if we still have time to do fun things.

Then we played "eat the marshmallow off a string".  We tied the marshmallows with a string and Daddy raised and lowered them while we took turns trying to eat it only using our mouth.  Activity and treat at once!  It was really fun.

update: All week it was great to be able to say "is this a marshmallow? or sugar?" really worked!
update: I realized that probably we should have an additional  because somethings are good to do, but not essential (sugar) and some things are just a complete waste of time- for example, when you are just doing anything so you don't have to do the tasks you must do, which you dread.  You're not really doing what you should be doing OR what you really want to be doing.  This could maybe be shown with mini marshmallows and large ones and sugar.

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