Monday, February 17, 2014

FHE: The Parable of the Popcorn

The kids had school off today and dad didn't have to work, so we decided to mix things up and have Family Home Afternoon :)

I told this story (I adapted it from another version that uses language meant to sound scriptural, but I thought it would be confusing for the kids...):
In the fall, farmers gathered their special ears of corn that are dried and used to make popcorn.  Then you and me bought the popcorn and took it home to make a delicious snack.

All the kernels of corn looked the same on the outside.

We put the corn in the hot popper.

Some of the popcorn exploded and made themselves much bigger and fluffier and white- which looks and tastes yummy. (show this kind of kernel)

Some of the kernels popped a little, but still had a hard part that we had to spit out so that it doesn't hurt our teeth.  (show this kind of kernel)

Finally, there were even some kernels that did not pop at all.  (show this kind)  Even though all the kernels were surrounded by the same amount of heat, these ones just sat in the warmth and kept everything they had for themselves.

The popcorn that puffed big and fluffy helped bring joy and delight for others, but those that did not were thrown in the garbage and not fit to eat.

"and thus we see that in the beginning all appear alike, but when the heat is on, some come forth and give their all, while others fail to pop and verily become like unto chaff, to be discarded and forgotten."

I think this parable could be related to a couple of different ideas:
-magnifying your callings or doing chores/helping out in the family
-how we handle our trials (the 3 kinds of kernels can be 1)someone who endures to the end is positive and is made better from the heat, 2) someone who deals with the trial, but complains the whole time they are dealing with it and 3) someone who gives up and is not edified but trapped.

Because my kids are still so small, I talked about contributing to the family and doing your chores so that we can all enjoy having an orderly, clean house.

Then we ate popcorn and watched a movie (which we wouldn't have had time for if it were after dinner....)

Update: my son woke up the next morning telling me that he made his bed without any wrinkles so he is like the puffy popcorn :)

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