Monday, February 24, 2014

FHE: All Choices Have Consequences

I feel like I've been having a hard time with my 3-year-old lately, and I hoped this lesson might particularly help her.

I basically talked about how we were all given the gift of agency as part of Jesus Christ's plan, which means we all have the ability to choose for ourself how we will behave.  BUT all choices have consequences.  Good choices have good consequences and bad choices have bad consequences.  Then I listed a bunch of choices on paper, cut them out and had the kids take turn pulling them out of a bag.  I asked the kids to tell me what they thought the consequence would be and if it was a good choice or not.

Here are some I used:

Playing outside in the winter without a coat.
Never putting toys away when we're done playing with them.
Helping mommy the first time she asked.
Waiting so long to use the bathroom that there's not enough time to get to the toilet.
Sharing our toys with friends or family.
Waking up too early in the morning or staying up too late.
Never doing school work.
Only eating cookies.
Cleaning up after ourselves without being asked.
Always being kind to others.
Reading our scriptures every day.

I added a few more that I thought of from "real world examples" of actual occurrences from the day as well.

Then we talked about what to do if you need to make a choice and you don't know which choice is good or bad.  (ask for advice and/or pray)

This could be a good opportunity to talk about "good, better, best" but that could also be an FHE topic of it's own, I think.

The kids were really engaged and participated well in the discussion.  It's amazing what drawing mysterious things from a paper sack will do for maintaining attention!

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