Monday, September 23, 2013

FHE: 10 Commandments

We talked about Moses and the 10 commandments.  I found this cute way to remember the 10 commandments and this other way linked to in the comments.  I sort of picked my favorites from each and taught them this:

1- Hold up 1 finger.  This means God comes first so
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me"
2- Hold up 2 fingers together and have them "bow down" like they're worshipping idols
"Thou shalt have not make unto thee any graven image" (not to worship idols)
3- Hold up 3 fingers, like a 'W'.  "W" is for "Watch your Words", i.e.
"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain."
4- Hold up 4 fingers.  The thumb is resting so
"Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy"
5- Hold up 5 fingers and give your mom or dad a high five!
"Honor thy father and thy mother"
6- Hold up 6 fingers (5 + 1) so that the one looks like it's shooting at the other hand.
"Thou shalt not kill"
7- Hold up 7 fingers (5 + 2) with the 2 walking on the palm of the 5 like they're getting married.  We should be loyal when we get married.
"Thou shalt not commit adultery"
8- Hold up 8 fingers (5 + 3) and hit your hands together so that now there are 4 + 4 fingers and say, "Hey! This hand stole one finger!"
"Thou shalt not steal"
9- Hold up 9 fingers and say, "Here are 9 fingers, but 9 is alllmost ten, right?  Should we just tell everyone we're holding up 10 fingers? NO, that would be a lie!"
"Thou shalt not bear false witness" (lie)
10- Hold up 10 fingers and act like your trying to grab things and say "gimme gimme" like you want to take everything from other people and be selfish
"Thou shalt not covet" (want things of others that aren't yours).

When the kids are older, I'd like to talk more about how each commandment helps us to be happy, but this was long enough for one lesson this time.  I think it went over really well!  After teaching them once, we went through them again quickly, and I could tell my 5-year old remembered some of them! :)

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