Monday, November 26, 2012

FHE: My Body is Private

In our house, we've been having a lot of issues with people talking about "bathroom things" while not in the bathroom and also kids running around naked, inside and outside of the house.  I thought we should probably have a lesson about this.

We mostly just talked about how it's impolite to be naked in front of others and we should only take off our clothes when we're bathing, changing, or using the toilet (or getting a diaper changed) and occasionally at the doctor's office.

We also mentioned that we only touch our private parts when we're cleaning them or using the bathroom and that we don't touch other people's private parts or let others touch ours (unless they're changing a diaper).  We said if someone tries to touch their privates they should be loud and say, "Back off buster!!" and had them all practice.

Finally, we talked about how it's impolite to talk about "bathroom terms" (and we gave examples) outside of the bathroom and if they had questions about anything, or needed to talk about them with us, we should all go to the bathroom together and talk about it there.

This wasn't a particular "fun" lesson, but it's one of those that needs to be discussed and even though we tell them these things every time it comes up, it seems like they pay attention more at FHE.

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