Monday, September 19, 2011

Witnesses and Testimony of Joseph Smith

I haven't yet decided how much I will read each day.  I'll just have to play it by ear until I see what works best.

I find it interesting that the angel Moroni spoke with Joseph, repeating his instructions exactly, 4 times.

Joseph was 14.

How many times then must I repeat myself to a 3 year old?

I choose to read into this, if it means taking away something valuable.  I think this might be a lesson in consistency- something I don't think I have big problems with.

I think this may also be a lesson in patience.

Indeed, patience is a virtue that is constantly tried in my life.  I have always known myself to be rather impatient, until I had a baby.

For some reason, I feel infinite patience for a newborn baby- despite the sleeplessness, despite the inability to communicate, despite the unexplained crying.

It's easy.

They are so innocent, everything new, knowing nothing.  I can understand their behavior- new body that doesn't do what they want.  A mouth that can't form words for clarity.  Eyes that won't see properly.  I can understand the frustration they must feel getting used to their new body.

Even a 1 year-old I can commiserate with.  Still can't get their legs to allow them to run like big people can, still can't form words, though understanding has begun.  Still, their understanding is limited and, little scientists, are learning how things work- what happens if I drop this?  How about now?

Something happened, though, when communication was overcome.  Now that I can have coherent conversations, some started by me, some by my son, about real things with explanations about how the world works and questions that demonstrate understanding...

Now my infinite pool of patience has run dry.

He knows what I want.  He knows what happens when he hurts other people/runs in the street/dumps his food on the floor/gets stuck in high places.
He knows...
Well, he should know.

He does it anyway.

He must not really know.

Please help me to teach him to know without finding out the "hard way".

Perhaps telling once isn't telling 1000 times after all.

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